Medic is hard. Nobody gonna tell you its easy. It is not like an engineer where you can collect all A's in your theoretical years. Let me tell you what a doctor is. A doctor is the nurse, the physiotherapist, the pharmacologist, Biochemist engineer, and so on, all chipped in to become a doctor. Yeah people been giving me suggestion on where to go. Yet it is still painful to leave all of those memories behind. Though they did give me suggestion, i have made up my mind. I'm getting out of these IPTS non-sense. Basically i'm starting back from scratch. Luckily my SPM result still can be used as long as forever, i will go and find my own way in the government institution. I hope i've made the right decision. Bapak la....kadang2 geram jugak dgr suggestion. Sini kate IPTS bagus, sane kate IPTA bagus. Sorang lagi kate buat medic kat luar bagus. Apelah choice yang betul agak nye... Ada gak yang kate aku x bagus wat ...
Ye semangat sayangkan bangsa tu perlu. Tapi janganlah lupe kita hidup dengan orang. Diri sendiri pun orang & org sekeliling pun org. Jangan jadi macam yahudi same kan kaum selain yahudi mcm binatang. Kite nie sume same.. Sume manusia... x de lebih xde kurang. Amalan je tinggi rendah. Tu pun biar Allah yang adilkan. Tp sekarang layanan Mesir nie pun dah makin menjadi2. Salah org Malaysia jugak. Apasal Salah pulak Salah orang Malaysia? Ye salah orang Malaysia. Memang aku paham geng bajet alim mempunyai semangat jihad tinggi.. Tp korg lupe korg sume tgh belajar.. Ko tgh belajar kat negeri org... YE aku tau ko suke post bende2... Tp tu negeri org.. jangan lah ko anggap macam negeri ko jugak. Ko igt x ape yang ko post pasal ustad DON pasal syria?? ye... ulamak tu sendiri cakap kalo sume org pergi perang... sape nak ajar agama? Kalo sume nak tunjuk belang nak bela sape nak gi belajar? Mak bapak ko hantar nk suruh jd p...
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